Posts by Category


Moving site from Jekyll to ???

1 minute read

Goal is that at some point in the not to distant future I will move the blog from Jekyll & the Minimal Mistakes Theme to something built with 11ty.

Copy Code Blocks

5 minute read

I've been reading Bryce Wray's site for a little while. Its been interesting watching Bryce switch back and fort...

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7 minute read

Long time, no write.

A lot has changed in my life, not least of which is that I am no longer a stay at home dad or living in Germany. For now I am b...

Moving site from Jekyll to ???

2 minute read

Goal is that at some point in the not to distant future I will move the blog from Jekyll & the Minimal Mistakes Theme to something built with 11ty.

Copy Code Blocks

5 minute read

I've been reading Bryce Wray's site for a little while. Its been interesting watching Bryce switch back and fort...

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7 minute read

Long time, no write.

A lot has changed in my life, not least of which is that I am no longer a stay at home dad or living in Germany. For now I am b...

Moving site from Jekyll to ???

2 minute read

Goal is that at some point in the not to distant future I will move the blog from Jekyll & the Minimal Mistakes Theme to something built with 11ty.

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Swift Coding Challenges: Challenge 2

2 minute read

Second one within 13 hours, good lord, that would never do.

So this challenge was to test if a string matched against the reverse of itself. Basical...

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Learning Web Development

3 minute read

I mentioned in the [goals post]({% post_url "goals" %}), one of the things I am aiming to do is to start learning web development.

I was w...

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